Are you a Finkster looking for collectibles?
With our fun selection of finkish paraphernalia, something is sure to catch your eye. Whether you are a long time fan of Ed Roth or new to the Finkish ways, all are welcome to browse through the store. The following pages highlight the various items that we offer, from Masks and Wristbands to Keychains and Cards.

Rat Fink Pewter in Little Jewel
Rat Fink 3D Comic Book
$25.00Rat Fink's Revenge Book
$75.00DVD-5th Annual Rat Fink Reunion 2007
DVD-6th Annual Rat Fink Reunion 2008
DVD-7th Annual Rat Fink Reunion 2009
Rat Fink 22 oz Water Bottle Red or Silver
"Naughty? Be Nice!" Back Design Christmas T-Shirt
"Naughty? Be Nice!" Front Design Christmas T-Shirt
2014 T'was the Night Before Christmas T-Shirt
Blood Sweat & Grease Car Club 2011 T-Shirt
Fink Hot Rod Christmas Back Design T-Shirt
Have a Kool Christmas Back Design T-Shirt
Have a Kool Christmas Front Design T-Shirt
2013 Car Club T-Shirt
Rat Fink Crazy 'bout Christmas 2013 T-Shirt
2007 Rat Fink's Car Club T-Shirt
2008 Rat Fink's Car Club T-Shirt
2009 Rat Fink's Car Club T-Shirt
2010 Rat Fink's Car Club T-Shirt
2016 Car Club Shirt
2016 We Wish You A Merry Christmas T-Shirt
109 Ed Roth's Mega Cycle Button (2.25")
117 Ed Roth's Tweety Pie w/ Ed Button (2.25")
121 Asphalt Angel Button (2.25")
122 California Cruiser Button (2.25")
123 Candy Wagon Button (2.25")
124 Ed Roth's Mail Box Button (2.25")
125 Rubber Ducky Button (2.25")
126 Secret Weapon Button (2.25")
3 RF Original #56 Black Button (2.25")
7 RF Flying Eyeball Button (2.25")
8 Pinstripe Rat Fink Button (2.25")
8 Pinstriped Rat Fink Button (1.5")
9 Rat Fink Portrait Button (2.25")
9 Rat Fink Portrait Button (1.5")
11 Rat Fink HOT DOG! Button (2.25")
12 Rat Fink Love to Surf Button (2.25")
13 Tales of the Rat Fink Outlaw Button (1.5")
14 Tales of the Rat Fink Button Red (2.25")
14 Tales of the Rat Fink Red Button (1.5")
15 Tales of the Rat Fink Button Purple (2.25")
16 Ed Roth Mr Gasser 57 Chevy (2.25")
17 Ed Roth's Rat Fink Revenge Button (2.25")
18 Ed Roth's Mr Gasser Racer Button (2.25")
20 Ed Roth's Wild Child Button (1.5")
22 Mothers Worry 00 button (1.5")
23 Mopar King Of Hemi Button (1.5")
24 If I've Gotta Explain Button (1.5")
25 Ed Roth's Camero Guts Button (1.5")
7 RF Flying Eyeball Button (1.5″)
Ed Roth & Orbitron Mug
$13.00Kool Drink Rubber Coozy
Rat Fink RF IMAGE Koozy
Mopar King of Hemi Mug (Green / Silver)
Mighty Mustang Mug (Green / Silver)
Outrageous Mug (Green / Silver)
Nova Bad Boys Mug (Green / Silver)

We continually update our store.
We are continuously updating our selection of collectibles, so check back regularly to make sure that you don’t miss out on any of our new and unusual products. If you can’t find what you are looking for here, try our search bar at the top of the page, or feel free to visit our full store for more unique creations inspired by the infamous Ed “Big Daddy” Roth.
All Rat Fink products are shipped using delivery confirmation to prevent lost or stolen goods. International shipping is available, however additional shipping charges may apply.