Thou Shalt Not Steal
The artwork and images created by me (Ed “Big Daddy” Roth) are protected by copyright and trademark law. It is NOT OK to use any of my work for any commercial purpose without Rat Fink licensing and permission from the Estate of Ed Roth.
While I am grateful for all the fans of Rat Fink, there are a number of people who are making money off of my work illegally, without Rat Fink licensing. I left the Rat Fink licensing rights to my work in trust to my family, for their financial support. If you steal from Big Daddy’s family, I WILL come back and haunt you. You really don’t want Rat Fink to eat you while you sleep…
If you are interested in Rat Fink licensing or licensing for one of my other creations in a commercial endeavor, please contact the Estate of Ed Roth about Rat Fink licensing rights. I support fans, not thieves.
Thank you,
Ed “Big Daddy” Roth
Requests for Rat Fink Licensing can be made by mail to:
Roth Estate Licensing
PO Box 36
Manti, UT 84642